Tuesday, January 13, 2009



5K, sure I'd like to have it as extra laying around. 5K, definitely wish it was the amount my 401K lost in 2008. For once, when I talk about 5K, it has nothing to do with money! Yes, this is picture proof my treadmill can make it to 5K, with me on it.

Tonight was a milestone, I actually made it for a full 5K, or a 3.1 miles on the treadmill. My time wasn't the greatest, 33 minutes, but I did spend 6 minutes walking to warm up and cool down. Far from any speed record, but it's still been a goal of mine to not only a finish, but to not be writing this blog entry from the hospital is a major accomplishment!

With the new gym membership, running has taken a hiatus in my workout routine. So this was an added surprise when even though it felt like I was dying at minute eighteen, I decided to push myself and see if I could do it. The real test will come tomorrow when I get evaluated by a personal trainer at the gym tomorrow. I have a feeling this 5K, might be the easiest thing I do in the next 24 hours.

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